Effect of Temperature on Adsorption-Desorption of Isoproturon on a Clay Soil Bist Amita, Sharma Anjali, Srivastava A., Ram Bali, Srivastava P. C.1, Singh Govindra2 Department of Chemistry, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Techno]ogy, Pantnagar-263 145 (Uttaranchal), India. 1 Department of Soil Science. 2 Department of Agronomy. Abstract The present investigation was undertaken to study the effects of temperature on adsorption-desorption of isoproturon on a clay soil and fit the data obtained to Freundlich adsorption-desorption isotherm model. The adsorption curves revealed that adsorption of isoproturon conformed to a L-type adsorption isotherm at the higher temperature (20°C), while a S-type at lower temperature (10°C). The adsorption of isoproturon decreased with the increase in temperature, indicating the exothermic nature of adsorption reactions. The phenomenon of hysteresis appeared to be more pronounced at lower temperature than at higher temperature. Top | | |
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