Effect of Weed Management and Crop Establishment Methods on Weed Dynamics and Grain Yield of Rice Singh V. P., Singh Govindra, Singh R. K., Singh S. P., Kumar A., Sharma G., Singh M. K., Mortimer Mortin1, Johnson D. E.2 Department of Agronomy, G. B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar-263 145 (Uttaranchal), India. 1 School of Biological Sciences, University of Liver Pool, U. K. 2 International Rice Research Institute, Los Banos, Philippines. Abstract Effect of rice establishment methods and weed management practices on weeds and grain yield of rice was studied. The maximum reduction of weed species was obtained with application of herbicides as pre-emergence supplemented by two hand weedings at 30 and 60 DAS/DAT under all the establishment systems of rice. The maximum weed dry matter reduction was achieved under herbicides fb two hand weedings in transplanted rice followed by herbicide as pre-emergence supplemented with two hand weedings in wet seeded rice and application of herbicide as pre-emergence supplemented with two hand weedings in zero till rice. The highest yield (4623 kg ha−1) was achieved by the application of herbicide supplemented with two hand weedings in transplanted rice which was significantly higher than the other treatments. Among the direct seeded rice the highest yield (4222 kg ha−1) was recorded under wet seeding employed with two hand weedings and on par with application of herbicide followed by one hand weeding under transplanting. Top | | |
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