Efficacy of Flufenacet and Metribuzin Against Weeds in Wheat Malik R. S., Yadav Ashok, Malik R. K., Punia S. S. Department of Agronomy, CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar-125 004 (Haryana), India. Abstract Flufenacet at 200–500 g ha−1, applied before or after first irrigation resulted in 40 to 69% and 44 to 72% control of grassy and broadleaf weeds, respectively. Metribuzin at 200 to 400 g ha−1 provided control of both grassy (75–90%) and broad leaf weeds (79–93%). Metribuzin beyond 300 g−1 was toxic to wheat. Sulfosulfuron resulted in higher grain yield due to very effective control of grassy (87–90%) and suppression of broadleaf weeds (35%), however, it was statistically at par with clodinafop at 60 g ha−1, fenoxaprop at 120 g ha−1 and metribuzin at 200 and 300 g ha−1. Top | | |
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