Weed Control Efficacy of Herbicides in Zero Till Wheat Walia U. S., Singh Manpreet, Brar L. S. Department of Agronomy and Agrometeorology, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana-141 004 (Punjab), India. Abstract Field experiments were conducted at the experimental farm of the Department of Agronomy and Agromet., PAU, Ludhiana. during 2003–04 and 2004–05. The experimental field was sandy-loam in texture with 72.7% sand, 11.7% silt and 15.6% clay and was under rice-wheat sequence from last many years. Wheat sown with zero till technique after the spray of paraquat recorded significantly less dry matter of Phalaris minor as compared to conventional till sown crop. Also the dry matter of broadleaf weeds was found to be significantly higher in zero till sown crop without paraquat application than the other tillage treatments. Mesosulfuron+iodosulfuron 12 or 15 g ha−1 and sulfosulfuron 25 g ha−1 provided effective control of P minor and broadleaf weeds. whereas clodinafop 60 g ha−1 and fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 100 g ha−1 controlled only P minor. Significantly higher grain yield was recorded in zero till sown crop after spraying paraquat than zero till without paraquat spray as well as conventional tillage treatments and the former treatment gave 15.8% higher yield than the latter ones. On an average of two years. highest grain yield (4266 kg ha−1) was recorded in meso+iodo 15 g ha−1 and it was followed by sulfosulfuron. fenoxaprop-p-ethyl fb 2, 4-D and clodinafop fb 2, 4-D, respectively. Top | | |
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