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Instructions to Contributors

Indian Journal of Weed Science is an international journal published quarterly by the Indian Society of Weed Science. Ordinarily, all authors must be members of the Society. Papers submitted by non-members may also be considered at the discretion of the Editorial Board. Papers submitted will be peer reviewed. Papers are accepted on the understanding that the work described is original and has not been published elsewhere and that the authors have obtained necessary authorisation for publication of the material submitted. Articles on all aspects of weeds and weed management will be considered for publication in the Journal.


Manuscript should be written in clear concise English, typewritten in double space on one side of A4 size paper with at least 2.5 cm margin. The research papers should not exceed 20 typed pages including tables and figures and should contain abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion, acknowledgement, if necessary, and references. Short communications based on new approaches or findings not exceeding 8 typed pages will also be considered for publication. Such articles should not exceed eight typed pages and will not have abstract and are not divided into different sections. The review articles, as far as possible, should not exceed 30 typed pages. It should feature recent developments from the author’s laboratory or his own field of specialization and include results of various workers in the given field. Review article authors are advised to contact the Chief Editor before submission of the manuscript. All articles should be submitted in duplicate.

Title : The title must be short and specific. Capitalize the first letter of the first word and all major words, except species name. The scientific name should be without authority. The by-line should include name(s) of the author(s) and address of the institution where the research has been carried out. Change of address or mailing address of the corresponding author should be given as a foot note.

Abstract : It should be brief and should include objectives, methodology and important findings and relevance of the research carried out. It should be a single paragraph of not more than 300 words. The abstract should be followed by a maximum of five key words for indexing purpose. The key words should not be vague or repeated from the title.

Introduction : It should be brief, crisp and limited to the statement of the problem or objectives of the experiment. Key references related to the work must be cited. It must end with proper justification for undertaking the work reported in the paper.

Materials and Methods : All relevant details of the methodology including experimental design, treatment details, statistical application must be included. Any modification of the original method must be duly highlighted. This section may be subtitled for clarity. Statistical method followed for data analysis must be mentioned for presenting data in tables or figures. Use Arabic numerals for all measurements of time, weight, length, height, area, concentration, temperature, etc. and follow standard SI units. Abbreviate the term in parentheses immediately after its first use. When chemical name of herbicide is used, there is no need to write a.i./a.e.(eg. 2,4-D 0.5 kg/ha) with the rate. Provide the common name of herbicide or weed plants in the parentheses immediately after its first use. Abbreviate the genus name after its first use and italicize the scientific name.

Results and Discussion : This section may be subtitled for clarity. The salient results must be highlighted and discussed in relation to related works. Undue and vague claims and stretched explanations may be avoided. Data presented in figures should not be duplicated in Tables or vice versa. Discussion should be oriented towards explaining the significance and implications of the results obtained and should be well supported with the previous work done in this direction. The results and discussion section may preferably be combined to avoid repetition.

Figures and Tables : All figures and tables must be on separate pages. Figures should be legible, clear with large points/ fonts, sufficient enough to permit size reduction. Photographs submitted (electronically) should be crisp and without compression for quality reproduction. The data in tables should be so arranged that the table should fit in the normal layout of the page. Large tables which need to be arranged horizontally (landscape pattern) should be avoided.

References : All references quoted in the text must be listed alphabetically. It should include names of all authors, year, full title of the article, name of the journal as per standard abbreviation, volume and page numbers. Authors are advised to consult a recent issue of the Journal for correct style and format. Manuscript complete in all respects should be submitted in duplicate to :

Dr. Rm. Kathiresan,
     Chief Editor, IJWS
     Dept. of Agronomy,
    Faculty of Agriculture,
    Annamalai University,
    Annamalai Nagar-608002


     Send copies via e-mail at Indian.j.weedsci@gmail.com

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