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Indian Journal of Veterinary Surgery
Year 2009, Volume-30, Issue-1 (June)
Print ISSN : 0254-4105
Online ISSN : 0973-9726

Table of contents

Research Articles

Extracapsular cataract extraction with intraocular lens implantation in dogs
S.K. Jhala, P.V. Parikh, D.B. Patil, N.H. Kelawala, M.J. Sheth, Nisha Joy, A.M. Patel

Comparative evaluation of CO2 and iopromide as contrast agents for renal angiography in dogs
G.U. Rane, P.V. Parikh, M.M. Rajapurkar, D.B. Patil, N.H. Kelawala, S.S. Patel, P.B. Patil

Urolithiasis in buffalo calves: A review of 91 cases
R.B. Kushwaha, Amarpal, P. Kinjavdekar, H.P. Aithal, A.M. Pawde, K. Pratap

Effect of Asparagus racemosus on fracture healing in rabbits: A radiographic and angiographic study
Sunil Singh, H.N. Singh, A.K. Gangwar, Kh. Sangeeta Devi, J.Y. Waghaye

Comparison of neurological recovery facilitated by a cox-2 inhibitor as well as long acting prednisolone in paraplegic rabbits
A. Gopinathan, A.M. Pawde, Amarpal, H.P. Aithal, P. Kinjavdekar, A.K. Sharma, K. Singh

Evaluation of buprenorphine and tramadol as pre-emptive analgesics following ovariohysterectomy in female dogs
A.K. Gupta, R.S. Bisla, Kuldip Singh, Ashok Kumar

A study on chemo-surgical management of mammary tumours in dogs
A.K. Srivastava, Bharat Singh, A.K. Srivastava, H.P. Lal, Neeraj Sinha, A.K. Sharma

Comparison of three methods to diagnose hip dysplasia in dogs
Vikas Sharma, J. Mohindroo

Ultrasonographic evaluation of the external ear canal in dogs
Akhilesh Kumar, D.B. Patil, P.V. Parikh, N.H. Kelawala, Sanket Bhatt, Mehrajuddin Dar

Short Communications

Objective assessment of analgesic effects of meloxicam and rofecoxib in dogs undergoing long bone fracture repair
M.R. Fazili, S.K. Chawla, Jit Singh, Sandeep Gera

Atracurium and pipecuronium neuromuscular blockade and its reversal with neostigmine in cats
A. Arun Prasad, R. Suresh Kumar, B. Justin William

Haematological and biochemical studies during general anaesthesia induced with propofol and its combinations with pentazocine lactate and chloramphenicol in dogs
M. Chandrashekarappa, K.J. Ananda, S. Ganganaik, B.N. Ranganath

Canine neoplasms: A study on occurrence and distribution pattern
A.K. Srivastava, Bharat Singh, A.K. Srivastava, Neeraj Sinha, A.K. Sharma

A clinical study on the use of prosthetic tubes for treatment of teat obstruction in cows
N. Aruljothi, T.P. Balagopalan, R.M.D. Alphonse, B. Ramesh Kumar, R. Kumar

Efficacy of liquid nitrogen cryotherapy: A clinical report on thirty two domestic animals
Y.M. Paithanpagare, P.H. Tank, H.K. Mahida

Cryosurgical disbudding in calves: A report on 13 cases
Y.M. Paithanpagare, P. H. Tank, H. K. Mahida

Mesenchymal chondrosarcoma in a dog: A case report
Geeta, Vinod Sharma

Surgical management of persistent right aortic arch and patent ductus arteriosus in a Labrador pup
N.S. Saini, S.S. Singh, A.S. Toor, Ashwani Kumar, A. Kaur

Sertoli cell tumour in dogs: A report of four cases
K. Singh, A. Gopinathan, A. Kumar, S.K. Mahajan, N.S. Saini, N.K. Sood

Surgical management of large paraprostatic cyst in a dog
L. Ranganath, V. Mahesh

Splenic abscess in a dog
V. Mahesh, L. Ranganath

Surgical management of extramedullary cutaneous plasmacytoma in a Golden Retriever bitch
C.K. Choudhary, A.K. Sharma, L.L. Dass, M.K. Gupta, Vinod Kumar, Shivendra Kumar

Management of post-surgical peritonitis and intra-abdominal adhesions in a bitch
Sonu Jaiswal, K.P. Singh, S.V. Singh, H.N. Singh

Tracheal adenocarcinoma in a dog and its surgical management
Md. Shafiuzama, Md. Taslim Anwar, G.D. Rao, R. Suresh Kumar

Surgical management of elbow luxation in a German shepherd dog
Y.K. Sharma, P.D.S. Raghuvanshi, Rakesh Mishra, S.S. Rathore

Surgical management of mixed tumour of apocrine gland of anal sac in a dog
T.P. Balagopalan, R.M.D. Alphonse, N. Aruljothi, B. Ramesh Kumar, A.W. Lakkawar

Esophageal obstruction in a cow by a trichobezoar
Sonu Jaiswal, J.P. Singh, S.V. Singh, K.P. Singh, H.N. Singh

Vaginal fibroma in a dog and its surgical management
V. Vijayanand, M. Gokulakrishnan, R. Jayaprakash, R.C. Rajasundaram

Surgical management of bilateral uterine horn prolapse in a queen cat
M. Gokulakrishnan, V. Vijayanand, R. Jayaprakash, S. Thilagar, R.C. Rajasundaram

Ventral hernia (hysterocele-gravid) in a goat
V. Vijayanand, M. Gokulakrishnan, R.C. Rajasundaram, P.S. Thirunavukkarasu

Aberrant location of coenurosis in a goat
Hemant Kumar, A.K. Sharma, L.L. Dass, Vinod Kumar, Shivendra Kumar

Complication of immobilon-LA tranquilization in an Asian elephant (Elephas maximus)
Indramani Nath, S.K. Panda, Jasmeet Singh, P.K. Roy

Surgical treatment of cloacal prolapse in a turtle
Y.K. Sharma, P.D.S. Raghuvanshi

Xylazine-ketamine anaesthesia in a leapard and its reversal by yohimbine
S.K. Tiwari, Kashi Nath, U.K. Mishra, O.P. Mishra

Thesis Abstracts

Studies on the incidence, diagnosis and management of eye affections in dogs
Dr. S.P. Tyagi

Incidence and management of tumours in canines
Dr. Adarsh Kumar

Clinical evaluation of propofol and ketamine as induction agents in midazolam-fentanyl premedicated and halothane anaesthetized dogs
Dr. M.S. Kanwar


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