Etio-pathological study of multiple hepatic abscesses in a goat Sonawane G.G.1,*, Kumar J.1, Sisodia S.L.1 1Division of Animal Health, ICAR-Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar-304501 (Rajasthan) *Corresponding author: e-mail: sganesh413@yahoo.com
Abstract Hepatic abscesses occur in all species, most commonly found in cattle, very less in sheep and rare in goats. The abscesses in liver constitute a major economic problem because of liver condemnation and reduced animal performance and carcass yield. During routine necropsy one interesting case of multiple hepatic abscess was encountered which was investigated for pathology and bacterial isolation. Lungs revealed 12–15 foci of abscess in different lobes similar to those observed in liver. Microscopic examination revealed thick and thin fibrous capsules around abscesses, containing basophilic and eosionophilic necrotic material infiltrated with numerous pus cells and some mononuclear cells. From the affected organs, Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, Streptococcus sp. and Pseudomonas sp. were isolated and confirmed by morphology, cultural, biochemical characteristics and molecular methods. In the present case the C. pseudotuberculosis could possibly have been a source of the systemic spread with the secondary infection of Streptococcus and Pseudomonas sp. The extensive damage to the liver caused by multiple foci of the abscesses could be the reason for emaciation and death. Top Keywords Etiopathology, Goat, Hepatic abscess. Top | | | |
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