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Year : 2012, Volume : 36, Issue : 2
First page : ( 255) Last page : ( 257)
Print ISSN : 0250-4758. Online ISSN : 0973-970X. Published online : 2012 December 1.

Inclusion body hepatitis-hydropericardium syndrome in commercial broiler chickens

Sawale G.K.*,4, Gupta S.C.1,4, Srivastava P.K.1,4, Sabale S.S.4, Ingole K.H.4, Pawale N.H.4,2, More B.K.3,4

4Department of Pathology, Bombay Veterinary College, Mumbai, Near Mahananda Dairy, Goregaon East, Mumbai-400065

1Indovax Pvt. Ltd, Research and Development Unit, Gurgaon, Haryana

2Jaffa Feed, Nasik;

3KNP College of Veterinary Sciences, Shirwal, M.S.

*Corresponding author: email: gk_sawale@yahoo.com

Received:  13  July,  2012; Accepted:  15  November,  2012.


Five cases of Inclusion body hepatitis (IBH) - hydropericardium syndrome (HPS) were investigated in commercial broiler chickens of 15–37 days age in Maharashtra state, India. Grossly, livers were enlarged and mottled with a reticular pattern on its surface. Hydropericardium was also observed in few cases. Mortality ranged from negligible to as high as 10% in the studied flocks. In all the cases, intranuclear basophilic inclusion bodies were observed in the hepatocytes along with fatty changes and mononuclear cell infiltration around portal triads. The disease was diagnosed on the basis of histopathological examination, agar gel precipitation test, isolation of virus and demonstration of inclusion bodies in liver cell culture using Macchiavello's technique.



Broiler chicks, Hydropericardium, Inclusion body hepatitis.


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