Effect of chemical industry effluent on macrophage functions of mice Agarwal Seema1,*, Agarwal D.K.1 1Department of Pathology, College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar-263 145, Udham Singh Nagar, Uttarakhand *Corresponding author: email: seema_patho@rediffmail.com
Abstract To study the effect of chemical industry effluent on macrophage functions in mice, 128 mice of 2 weeks age were procured and divided in four equal groups. These mice were vaccinated with Ranikhet disease vaccine (R2B) strain intraperitonealy @ 0.1ml and were treated with chemical industry effluent as drinking water for 4 months. The functional activity of macrophages was assessed by nitroblue tetrazolium reduction assay. The test was conducted at 90 days and 120 days of experiment. The results indicated a significant depression of macrophage functions as evidenced by a reduction in NBT positive cells in chemical industry effluent treated mice at 90 days and 120 days of experiment in comparison to controls. This depression of macrophage activity may result in increased susceptibility of host to various infections. Top Keywords Chemical, Effluent, Macrophage function, Mice, NBT. Top | Table Table.: Macrophage function of experimental mice by NBT reduction assay (Mean % NBT positive cells ± SE).
| Groups | Days of Observation | 90 | 120 | Control (Gp. 1) | 24.0±0.80 | 24.5±0.20 | Effluent + vaccine treated(Gp. 2) | 20.0±0.40* | 18.4±0.10* | Effluent treated (Gp. 3) | 20.2±0.09* | 18.0±0.90* | Vaccine treated (Gp. 4) | 24.5±0.60 | 25.1±0.04 |
| * P<0.05 | |
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