Testicular hydrops in Wistar rat - A case rerort Adak A.1, Prasad M.C.1,*, Lonkar P.S.1, Kapurkar U.M.1, Brahmankar M.G.1, Patel M.V.1 1Pathology Section Department of Toxicology, Jai Research Foundation, Vapi-396195, Gujarat, India *Corresponding author: email: pathology@jrfonline.com
Abstract A case of bilateral testicular hydrops has been reported in a 26 months old male Wistar rat out of over 20 thousand Wistar rats necropsied over the period. Grossly, both the testes were enlarged and testicular parenchyma was floating amidst the pool of fluid present inside the tunica albuginea/capsule. Histomorphology exhibited marked interstitial oedema with marked reduction in the number of cut sections of seminiferous tubules showing degenerative/atrophic changes. The exact etiology could not be ascertained. Top Keywords Pathomorphology, Testicular hydrops, Wistar rat. Top | | | |
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