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Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathology
Year 2009, Volume-33, Issue-2 (December)
Print ISSN : 0250-4758
Online ISSN : 0973-970X

Table of contents

Research Papers

Expression pattern of c-erbB2 oncoprotein in canine mammary tumours
Pawan Kumar, Ram Kumar, R.V.S. Pawaiya, Manjunatha Reddy, G.B. Maiti, S.K. Maiti

Role of ultrasound guided biopsy and ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration biopsy in the diagnosis of hepatic affections in dogs
C. Singh, S.K. Mahajan, J. Mohindroo, N.K. Sood, N.S. Saini, S.S. Singh

Corneal impression technique as a tool for early clinical diagnosis of rabies in animals
M. Body, K.P. Singh, A. AL-Rawahi, S. Safuat, S. AL-Habsy

Comparison of avidin-biotin complex (ABC) and ZN techniques for detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis in natural and experimental paratuberculosis in sheep
Biplab Debroy, B.N. Tripathi, G.G. Sonawane

Pathogenicity study of Indian isolates of infectious bronchitis virus in chickens
T. Bhuvaneswari, S. D. Singh

Antibacterial effect of Ocimum sanctum in experimental fowl cholera – A clinicopathomorphological study
K.K. Tripathi, A. K. Srivastava, Sanjiv Kumar

Histopathological classification and incidence of canine mammary tumours
G.B. Manjunatha Reddy, Pawan Kumar, Ram Kumar, R.V.S. Pawaiya, R. Ravindran

Pathology of acute paraquat toxicity in ruminants
Sarojini M. Tamuli, Seema R. Pegu, Madan K. Tamuli, Gautam K. Baruah

In vivo chemotactic evaluation of ferrous ion in piglets
S. Kumar, R. Ranjan, K.K. Singh, M.K. Gupta

Histopathological and histochemical study of free iron as an endogenous chemical mediator of inflammation in chicken
M. Kumar, K. K. Singh, D.D. Singh, M.K. Gupta

Clinico-pathological alterations induced by ochratoxin A in weaned Wistar rats
S. Nimalesan, A.K. Sharma, P. Dwivedi, M. Kumar, G. Sivakumar, N.D. Singh

Effect of T-2 toxin on haematological and serum biochemical parameters and immune response status in turkey poults
N. Babu Prasath, Ganne Venkata Sudhakar Rao, C. Balachandran, B. Murali Manohar

Hepatotoxicity due to diclofenac alone and under the influence of certain variables in broilers
C. Haritha, A. Gopala Reddy, Y. Anjaneyulu, B. Kalakumar

Clinicopathological changes of induced levofloxacin toxicity in croiler chickens
Suman Kumar, D. Niyogi, D. Kumar, Y. Damodar Singh, S. Sarkar, S. K. Mukhopadhayay

Iron-induced toxicity in broilers: Evaluation of certain herbs
V. Ramakrishnan, A. Gopala Reddy, Y. Anjaneyulu, C. Haritha, G. Dilip Reddy

Pathophysiological effects of Centella asiatica and combination with Curcuma longa as feed additive in broiler birds
P. Kumari, M. K. Gupta, R. Ranjan, K. K. Singh, R. Yadav, S. Singh

Amelioration of lead-induced nephrotoxicity by certain adaptogens in broilers
M. Ratan Kumar, K. S. Reddy, A. Gopala Reddy, Y. Anjaneyulu, B. Kalakumar, G. Dilip Reddy

Efficacy of Andrgraphis paniculata (Family: Acanthaceae) methanol extract against paracetamol induced hepathotoxicity in mice
B. Dutta, Prakash Gupta

Histomorphological evaluation of wound healing potential of cow urine in goats
R. Mishra, L.L. Dass, A. K. Sharma, K.K. Singh

Canine skin tumours: Occurrence and histopathology
G.B. Manjunatha Reddy, Ram Kumar, Pawan Kumar, A.K. Sharma, N.D. Singh

Short Communications

Cutaneous mycotic granuloma (dermatomycosis) in fowl: A pathomorphological observations
M. Lakshman, Y. Nagamalleswari, C. Balachandran

Countering effect of turmeric (Curcumin longa) on experimental salt toxicity in cockerel: A histopathological study
N. Kumar, S.R.P. Sinha, A. Kuntal, Krishna Mohan

Pathology of experimental bleaching powder toxicity in domestic pigeon (Columba livia)
M.K. Borah, T. Rahman, S. Goswami

Ethinyl oestradiol-induced liver damage in female albino rats
Govind Pandey, S. Madhuri, S.P. Pandey

Studies on the incidence and pathology of naturally occurring duck plague in Assam
Chambal Konch, T.N. Upadhyaya, S. Goswami, B. Dutta

Studies on pigeon pox outbreak in Guwahati Assam
C.V. Phangcho, A. Mukit

Pathology of respiratory aspergillosis in desi chicken
S. Sivaseelan, P. Srinivasan, P. Balachandran, G.A. Balasubramaniam, A. Arulmozhi

Aspergillosis in turkey poults
S. Singh, M. K. Borah, D. K. Sharma, G. D. Joshi, R. Gogoi

Epidemio-pathological studies of gout in broiler birds in West Bengal
S. Jana, S.K. Mukhopadhayay, D. Niyogi, Y. Damodar Singh, C. Thiyagaseelan

Encephalitic form of listeriosis in pigs
T. Rahman, T.N. Upadhyaya, A. Chakraborty, R. K. Sarmah, N.N. Barman

Occurrence of necrotising enteritis in pigs
M.K. Borah, S. Singh, S.S. Raut, G.D. Joshi

Malignant sertoli cell tumour in dog – A case report
H.S. Banga, S. Deshmukh, R.S. Brar, S.G. Chavhan, P D Gadhave

Tracheal adenocarcinoma in a dog
C. Balachandran, N. Pazhanivel, M. Shafiuzama, M. Taslim Anwar

Sweat gland adenocarcinoma in a Sprague-Dawley rat
P. Krishnamoorthy, C. Balachandran, M.R. Gajendragad

Multicentric lymphosarcoma in a dog
C. Balachandran, N. Pazhanivel, A. Anil, K. Gopal, A.P. Nambi, R.V. Suresh

Haemato-biochemical observations in emu (Dromaius novaehollandiae)
B. Kiran Kumar, E. Swapna, M. Lakashman, V. Rajashekar Reddy, A. Ravindra Reddy

Letter to the Editor

Research inputs from bovine cerebral babesiosis can unraval the mystery of cerebral malaria
D.R.L. Setty, R.N. Sreenivasa Gowda

Thesis Abstract

A pathological study on graded levels of Jatropha (Jatropha curcas) deoiled seed cake toxicity in broiler chicks
Anil Kumar

Studies on the in vitro and in vivo anti-cancer properties of chicken infectious anaemia virus VP3 protein (Apoptin)
Sreejith Radhakrishnan

Evaluation of c-erbB2 and estrogen receptor expression in chemically induced rat mammary tumours
K. Mayilkumar

Incidence and pathomorphology of spontaneous Escherichia coli infection in broiler chicken in two districts (Birbhum & Kolkata) of West Bengal
Barnali Chandra

Pathological observations on Black Bengal goat diseases in two districts (North 24 Parganas and Birbhum) of West Bengal
Nipendra Kumar Majumder

Study of incidence of diseases in meat type birds in and around Kolkata with special reference to hepatopathology
Partha Pratim Dey

Involvement of TLR-3 and TLR 3 induced cytokines in the pathogenesis of rabies in laboratory mouse model
N Shivasharanappa

Molecular pathogenesis of rabies virus in experimentally infected mouse with reference to role of nitric oxid
B.P. Madhu

Studies on pathology and evaluation of expression of c-erbB2 in spontaneous canine mammary tumours
Dr. Pawan Kumar


First South Zone Conference of IAVP Kerala Chapter-2009 held at Trivandrum


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