Malignant sertoli cell tumour in dog -A case report Banga H.S.*,1, Deshmukh S.1, Brar R.S.1, Chavhan S.G.1, Gadhave P D1 1Department of Veterinary Pathology, College of Veterinary Science, GADVASU, Ludhiana-141004 *Corresponding author
ABSTARCT A case of malignant sertoli cell tumour in dog with rare presence of indistinct eosinophilic Call -Exner like bodies in the seminiferous tubules upon histopathological examination of fixed tissue samples has been recorded. The brief history of the case revealed enlargement of abdomen with patchy areas of alopecia and evidence of gyanecomastia. Top Keywords Call Exner like bodies, Dog, Histopathology, Sertoli cell tumour. Top | | | |
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