Pathogenicity study of Indian isolates of infectious bronchitis virus in chickens Bhuvaneswari T.1, Singh S. D.1,* 1Avian Diseases Section, Division of Pathology Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar-243122 *Corresponding author; e-mail: sdsingh2005@rediffmail.com
Abstract In the present study four field isolates of Infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), India/627/AD/02, India/744/AD/04, India/764/AD/04 and India/16/V/AD/07, of different geographical origin were adapted in 9–11 day-old embryonated chicken eggs(ECE). The infected embryos appeared curled with deformed feet and compressed over the head. Urate deposition in eggs infected with isolates India/764/AD/04 and India/16/V/AD/07 was noticed. The EID50 titre of four IBV isolates ranged from 1053 to 1064 EID50. Experimental infection in chicks revealed that all four isolates induced clinical symptoms and post mortem lesions confined to respiratory epithelium. The isolates India/764/AD/04 and India/16/V/AD/07 induced nephritis and urate deposit suggesting the involvement of nephropathogenic strains of IBV. The isolate India/627/AD/02 was found highly pathogenic to respiratory epithelium followed by India/764/AD/04, India/744/AD/04 and India/16/V/AD/04.The isolate India/764/AD/04 was found highly nephropathogenic and also caused respiratory infections. IBV antigen was detected in different organs like trachea, lungs, kidneys and caecal tonsils by indirect FAT. Top Keywords Chicken, Infectious bronchitis, Nephropathogenic, Pathogenicity. Top | | | |
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