Comparison of avidin-biotin complex (ABC) and ZN techniques for detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies Paratuberculosis in natural and experimental paratuberculosis in sheep Biplab Debroy Tripathi B.N.*,1, Sonawane G.G.1 1Division of Veterinary Pathology, Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar-243 122, Bareilly (UP) India *Corresponding author, e-mail: bntripathi1@yahoo.co.in
Abstract The present investigation was carried with the objective to study the diagnostic efficacy of Avidin-biotin complex (ABC) staining technique in detection of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) and its antigen. ABC staining technique was performed on 14 (6 multibacillary, 8 paucibacillary) naturally occurring slaughterhouse and 16 archived experimental samples showing lesions suggestive of paratuberculosis (Johne's disease) for demonstration of MAP and its antigen in sheep. In natural cases, 11 (78.57%) were positive, of which six had demonstrable acid-fast bacilli (multibacillary) and 5 (62.5%) had either rare or no bacilli. Of 16 archived samples of sheep, 12 (75%) showed positive immunoreactions, which included all 10 (100%) cases with demonstrable acid-fast bacilli and 2 (33.33%) of 6 sheep with non-demonstrable acid-fast bacilli. Sensitivity of ABC technique was found to be 78.57% and 75% against ZN staining (71.4% and 62.5%) in naturally occurring slaughterhouse and experimental archived tissues. The study suggested that ABC technique was more sensitive in detection of MAP and its antigen than ZN technique, which detects acid-fast bacilli. Top Keywords ABC technique, Acid-fast bacilli, Johne's disease, Multibacillary, Paucibacillary. Top | | | |
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