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Indian Journal of Small Ruminants (The)
Year 2018, Volume-24, Issue-1 (April)
Print ISSN : 0971-9857
Online ISSN : 0973-9718

Table of contents

Review and Overview

Fat-Tailed sheep-An important sheep genetic resource for meat production in tropical countries: An overview
Arpita Mohapatra, A.K. Shinde

Research Papers

Heritability estimates for average daily gain and kleiber ratio in deccani sheep
Y.C. Bangar, V.S. Lawar, C.A. Nimbalkar, O.V. Shinde, R.G. Nimase

Factors affecting growth traits of Jakhrana goats in semi-arid region of India
Ajoy Mandal, R. Behera, Saket Bhusan, P.K. Rout

Genetic polymorphism of KRT 1.2, kap 1.3 and THH gene in magra sheep
A.S. Meena, Rajiv Kumar, B. Jyotsana, H.K. Narula, S. Kumar

Estimation of genetic parameters for production traits in Munjal sheep
Umeel, Z.S. Malik, D.S. Dalal, S.P. Dahiya, C.S. Patil

Phenotypic documentation and characterization of Purgi sheep
Firdous Ahmad Baba, Hilal Musadiq Khan, Ahmad Ishfaq, Nazir Ahmad Bamla, Niyazul Munshi

Effect of spirulina (Arthrospira platensis) supplementation on growth, haematology and serum metabolites in Barbari kids
Janardan Yadav, Ravindra Kumar, N. Sharma

Growth and nutrient utilization in stall-fed kids on Cumbu Napier Hybrid CO-4 silage and different levels of concentrate feed
Prabhakar Rao Tanneru, Venkateswarlu Malisetty, Sarat Chandra Amaravadhi

Effect of different levels of lucerne (Medigo sativa) in diet on rumen fermentation and energy metabolism of ewes
Arvind Kumar, V.B. Chaturvedi, A.K. Singh, Anamika, Shilpi Kerketta

Nutritional evaluation of spent maize (Zea mays) cobs as roughage source in sheep feeding
P.S. Kavya, T.M. Prabhu, R. Pradeep, R.G. Gloridoss, K. Chandrapal Singh, B.N. Suresh, H.K. Siddalinga Murthy

Effect of different creep rations on the growth of Malabari pre-weaner kids
John Abraham, V.T. Bhale

Growth and blood profile of broiler rabbits on probiotic supplementation
R.P. Kalma, H.D. Chauhan, A.K. Srivastava, M.M. Pawar

Organic nutrient management in intercropping systems for increasing fodder yield and soil fertility in semi-arid Rajasthan
L.R. Meena, S.A. Kochewad, Roop Chand, S.C. Sharma

Effect of hydroxytyrosol on sperm post-thaw motion and velocity of cryopreserved ram semen
Balaganur Krishnappa, S.K. Srivastava, Davendra Kumar, S.K. Ghosh, DE Kalyan, R.K. Paul, S.V. Bahire, S.M.K. Naqvi

Testosterone and progesterone levels during different reproductive stages in Jakhrana goats
A.K. Goel, S.D. Kharche, S.P. Singh, R. Ranjan, S.K. Jindal, S. Kumar, N. Ramachandran

Comparative evaluation of conventional serological tests and in-House recombinant OMP31 (rOMP31)-Based elisa for the detection of caprine brucellosis
Ajay Singh, Vivek Kumar Gupta, Amit Kumar, Vikas Kumar Singh, N Shivasaranappa

Monovalent inactivated bluetongue virus type 1 vaccine induced neutralising antibody response in sheep
A.B. Pandey, S. Nandi, S.D. Audarya, I. Suresh, N. Singh, R.S. Chauhan

Investigation of an outbreak of caseous lymphadenitis in goats
K. Gururaj, D.D. Singh, R.V.S. Pawaiya, Dimple Andani, N.K. Gangwar, A.K. Mishra, Vinay Chaturvedi, Ashok Kumar

Pathology of congenital polycystic kidney disease in a stillborn foetus of fat-Tailed (Dumba) sheep
G.G. Sonawane, C.P. Swarnkar

Clinico-Haematological profile and therapeutic management of acute babesiosis in sheep and goats of Kashmir
N.A. Tufani, H.U. Malik, M.R. Fazili

Evaluation of caprine amniotic membrane and rabbit-Mesenchymal stem cells for corneal defect repair in rabbits
Aswathy Gopinathan, Kiranjeet Singh, P. Sangeetha, S.K. Maiti

Retrospective study on small ruminants losses in a farm of Namibia
E. Kandiwa, B. Mushonga, A. Samkange, A. Bishi, N. Nyoni

PCR-Based test for identification of meat of ovine, caprine and bovine origin
Rajiv Kumar, Y.P. Gadekar, A.K. Shinde, S.M.K. Naqvi, S. Kumar

Quality and economic evaluation of functional chevon patties fortified with microencapsulated docosahexaenoic acid powder
Dinesh Krofa, Manish K. Chatli, Varinder Pal Singh, Pavan Kumar

Effects of salt replacement on the quality and acceptability of low salt chevon pickle
Arun K. Verma, V. Rajkumar

Quality characteristics of edible byproducts compared to Longissimus Dorsi muscle of barbari kids
Pramila Umaraw, V. Pathak, V. Rajkumar, Arun K. Verma, V.P. Singh, Akhilesh K. Verma

Quality of low fat and prebiotic-Enriched lamb nuggets during refrigerated storage
Y.P. Gadekar, A.K. Shinde, R.S. Bhatt

Ethno-veterinary practices of goat farmers in tarai region of Uttarakhand
B.S. Khadda, Brijesh Singh, D.V. Singh, J.L. Singh, S.K. Singh, C.B. Singh

Short Communications

Effect of body condition score at lambing on birth and weaning weights of nellore (Brown) lambs
V. Anusha, A. Anitha, S. Jagadeeswara Rao, E. Raghava Rao, M. Muralidhar

Genetic, phenotypic and environmental trends of growth and wool traits in magra sheep
K. Parihar, S.B.S. Yadav, H.K. Narula, U. Pannu, B. Bais

Effect of weaning age of lambs on reproductive performance and body weight changes of Mecheri ewes
R. Santhoshkumar, V. Ramesh, K. Sivakumar, A.K. Thiruvenkadan

Effect of supplementary feeding on growth of magra lambs in Arid Rajasthan
Sushil Kumawat, A.K. Patel, S.C. Goswami, S. Choudhary, L.K. Chandolia, S. Rana

Transrectal ultrasonography of uterus during early to mid stage of gestation in goats
A.K. Goel, S.D. Kharche

Post-Kidding Dam-Kid interaction and serum profile in Single-And Twin-Foetus bearing surti goats
K.C. Gamit, T.K.S. Rao, K.K. Tyagi, S. Chaurasia, K.R. Sriranga, N.B. Patel

Serological evidence of coxiellosis in sheep farms of Namibia
A.S. Bishi, S. Khaiseb, A. Shaanika, E.K.N. Nambinga, E. Kandiwa, B. Mushonga, A. Samkange, G. Tjipura

Prevalence of bluetongue virus antibodies in small ruminants of coastal Odisha
Shaswati Subhadarsini Pany, Karam Chand, Sanchay Kumar Biswas, Bimalendu Mondal, Hemant Kumar Panda

Diagnosis of Brucella Melitensis in sheep by pcr assay
Kirit B. Patel, H.C. Chauhan, S.S. Patel, B.K. Patel, B.S. Chandel

Studies on clinical use of orthoses in goats with locomotory disorders
A.I. Sama, D.B. Patil, D.N. Kelawala, P.V. Parikh, A.K. Vala

Prevalence of ticks in sheep and goats of Jammu region
M. Rashid, R. Godara, A. Yadav, R. Katoch

Effects of propofol on Clinico-Physiological and Haemato-Biochemical profiles in atropinized goats
M.S. Maravi, Rukmani Dewangan, S.K. Tiwari

Breeding and feeding practices of sheep and constraints perceived by farmers of Jammu and Kashmir
Anees Ahmad Shah, Hilal Musadiq Khan, Parwaiz Ahmad Dar, Masood Saleem Mir, Ashaq Manzoor


Author Index

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