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The Indian Journal of Small Ruminants
Year 2010, Volume-16, Issue-1 (April)
Print ISSN : 0971-9857

Table of contents

Feeding strategies to reduce enteric Methane production in Ruminants: A review
R.C. Jakhmola, Taruna Pahuja, S.K.S. Raghuvansi

Sheep and goat nutrition: Newer concepts and emerging challenges
A. Sahoo, S.A. Karim

Effect of Mulberry (Morus alba) and Robinia (Robinia psuedocacia) leaves feeding on the production performance of Angora rabbits
R.S. Bhatt, Davendra Kumar, S.R. Sharma

Testicular development of Malpura Ram Lambs under extensive and intensive feeding regimen
S. M. K. Naqvi, Davendra Kumar, S. R. Pareek

Performance, Rumen fermentation pattern and blood biochemical characteristics of pregnant Ewes grazing on semi-arid pastures during winter season
S. K. Sankhyan, N. M Soren, R. S. Bhatt, A. K. Shinde, S. A. Karim

Nutritional interventions in improvement of Rabbit meat quality: An overview
S. Wilfred Ruban, S. Sureshkumar, V. Appa Rao, A. Kalaikannan

Biochemical profile of nellore sheep on feeding of Azolla and Sheanut cake under different management systems
Y. Ravindra Reddy, K. Sarjan Rao, K. Sudhakar, D. Ramesh Gupta, M. Gnana Prakash

Growth and Carcass Traits of Sirohi goats under different managemental conditions
S. Sureshkumar, G. R. Gowane, Ashish Chopra, A. K. Shinde

Molecular characterization of Shiga toxigenic Escherichia coli isolates from sheep
Latima Sharma, Sahil, Rajesh Chhabra, A.K. Taku

Evaluation of ‘Blood PCR’ with blood culture, elisa and microscopic examination for the diagnosis of Mycobacterium avium Subspecies Paratuberculosis infection in goat kids
S.V. Singh, P.K. Singh, H. Kumar, J.S. Sohal, A.V. Singh

Epizootiology of Gastrointestinal helminths in sheep and goats of Tamil Nadu
M. Raman, R. Selva Bharathi, S. Abdul Basith, Lalitha John

Impact of Gastrointestinal nematodosis on serum biochemical profiles in Garole sheep
S. Pandit, R. Jas, J. D. Ghosh, S. Moi

Utilization of Ailanthus (Ailanthus altissima) leaves in sheep feeding
A.M. Ganai, S. Bilal, J.I.A. Bhat

Performance evaluation of sheep in farmer's flock of eastern semi-arid region of Rajasthan
G. R. Gowane, A. L. Arora

Socio-economic status of goat keepers in south Gujarat region
S. B. Deshpande, G. P. Sabapara, V. B. Kharadi

Short communications

Effect of concentrate Supplementation to Ewes grazing on community rangeland during late Gestation and early lactation
O. H. Chaturvedi, J. S. Mann, S. A. Karim

Influence of rice Bran oil as defaunating agent on the performance of Mecheri Ram Lambs
S. Jayachandran, J. Muralidharan, P. Selvaraj, P. Visha, K. Nanjappan

Nutritional status of forage production through alternate land use system of agroforestry in semi-arid region of Rajasthan
J.S. Mann, S.C. Sharma, Roop Chand

Effect of concentrate and mineral mixture supplementation on growth performance of growing goats
C.M. Yadav, P. M. Khan, P. Panwar, K.L. Jeenagar, S.S. Lakhawat, K.C. Nagar

Estrus induction in Acyclic Ewes under field conditions of semi-arid region of Rajasthan
S. Saha, Davendra Kumar, S.M.K. Naqvi, J.S. Mann

Evaluation of suitable Agroforestry system for quality forage in semi-arid regions
S.C. Sharma, J.S. Mann, H.S. Jat

Non - Genetic factors affecting annual wool yield in German Angora rabbit
R. Chandra, H.D. Karmakar, D. De

Feed resource availability and growth performance of Sonadi sheep in their native tract
S. P. Tailor, C.M. Yadav

Distribution and characterization of Kilakarsal (Keezhakaraisal) sheep
T. Ravimurugan, P. Devendran, B.K. Joshi

Goat Husbandry Technology and Communication
Braj Mohan, R.L. Sagar

Growth performance of Sirohi kids under farmer's flock
M.C Sharma, O.P Pathodiya, S.P Tailor

Evaluation of Antigenic Cross - reactivity amongst strongylid nematodes using enzyme linked Immuno Sorbent Assay
S. Arunkumar, A. Sangaran

Influence of gastrointestinal Parasites on certain blood components of sheep
Vijay Pandey, Aditi, J.K. Khajuriya, J.S. Soodan, Neelesh Sharma, S.R. Upadhyaya, Rajesh Katoch

Effect of induced Hypothyroidism on thyroid hormone profile in Marwari Rams under hot arid region of Rajasthan
Barkha Gupta, Anil Moolchandani, Meenaxi Sareen

Incomplete cervical dilatation associated with simultaneous presentation of twins with postural defects in a Doe
G.K. Das, T. Ladol, Rubina Baithalu, Firdous A. Khan, Irfan Wani, D. Gogoi, S. Deori, Uma shanker

Pseudopregnancy in a goat: A case report
S. Deori, Firdous A. Khan, G. K. Das, Uma Shanker

Clinico-Therapeutic Management of Gangrenous Mastitis in Ovines
N.A. Tufani, A. Hafiz, F.U. Peer, D.M. Makhdoomi, S.D. Qureshi

Reproductive performance and disease prevalence in Ganjam sheep of Orissa
S. Nayak, A.K. Mohapatra, N. Barik


Author Index

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