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The Indian Journal of Small Ruminants
Year : 2009, Volume : 15, Issue : 2
First page : ( 257) Last page : ( 261)
Print ISSN : 0971-9857. Online ISSN : 0973-9718.

Chromosome morphology of Berari goats with special reference to mitotic drive and mitotic index

Kasabe S. S., Ali S.Z., Sawane M.P.*, Kuralkar S. V.

Department of Animal Genetics and Breeding, Post Graduate Institute of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Akola - 444104.

*E-mail address: mahadeo_68@rediffmail.com

Received:  30  September,  2008; Accepted:  4  March,  2009.


The chromosome morphology of Berari goat of Vidarbha region of Maharashtra was studied. The chromosomal compliment of Berari goat consisted of diploid chromosome number 2n=60. All the autosomes were acrocentric, X chromosome was identified as the second largest chromosome and Y chromosome was found to be smallest and metacentric. The mean mitotic drive in female was found to be 51.22±0.65 while in male it was 47.94±0.94. The mean mitotic drive irrespective of sex was found to be 49.58±0.61. The mean mitotic index in female was found to be 6.59±0.58 while in male it was 5.29±0.85. The mean mitotic index irrespective of sex was found to be 5.94±0.13.


Key words

Berari, Chromosome morphology, Goats, Mitotic drive, Mitotic index.


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