Compartive nutritive value of Neem and Jal leaves in goats Bais Basant, Purohit G. R., Pannu Urmila Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary and Animal Science, Rajasthan Agriculture University, Bikaner, Rajasthan. E-mail address: urmila_pannu@yahoo.co.in. Summary Neem and Jal are common top feeds of semi-arid and arid regions. An experiment was conducted to study the comparative nutritive value of Neem and Jal leaves in goats. The dried leaves of Jal and Neem were offered to animals of Group 1 and Group 2, respectively as sole feed for the pre-experimental period of 21 days followed by digestion trial of 7 days. All the animals had positive balance of nitrogen, calcium and phosphorus for Neem leaves while the nitrogen balance was negative for Jal leaves. The study suggests that both Neem and Jal leaves can be fed to goats during lean period. Top Key words Goats, Jal leaves, Neem leaves, Nutritive value. Top | | |
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