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The Indian Journal of Small Ruminants
Year : 2009, Volume : 15, Issue : 2
First page : ( 231) Last page : ( 236)
Print ISSN : 0971-9857. Online ISSN : 0973-9718.

Superovulatory response and embryo recovery during different seasons in goats using two different treatment regimes

Deshpande S. B., Pathak M. M.

Reproductive Biology Research Unit, Anand Agricultural University, Anand, Gujarat-388110. E-mail address: deshsat@gmail.com.

Received:  6  April,  2009; Accepted:  15  June,  2009.


The effects of synthetic FSH preparation (Folltropin-V) and PMSG (Folligon) were studied on superovulatory response, ovarian biometry and transferable embryo recovery in goats during winter (December to March) and rainy (June to October) season of the year. Goats were superovulated using 133 mg Folltropin-V or 1000 IU Folligon along with a control group during each breeding season. The overall increase in the dimensions of superovulated goat ovaries was 1.5 times compared to the control group. The results indicated that irrespective of the season, the overall response in terms of number of ovulation was significantly (P<0.05) higher (12.83± 2.58) in Folltropin-V treated animals than Folligon treated (08.91± 1.90). The number of unovulated follicles was significantly (P<0.05) lower during rainy (2.08 ± 0.86) compared to winter (5.17 ± 1.55) season irrespective of the hormone used for superovulation. The number of total and transferable embryos recovered was significantly (P<0.05) higher in Folltropin-V treated animals (10.33± 0.74 and 5.91 ± 2.14) than the Folligon (7.50± 0.57 and 3.66 ± 1.11) treated animals.


Key words

Embryo, Goat, Season, Superovulation.


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