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The Indian Journal of Small Ruminants
Year 2008, Volume-14, Issue-2 (October)
Print ISSN : 0971-9857

Table of contents

Role of refugia in management of anthelmintic resistance in nematodes of small ruminants – A review
D. Singh, C.P. Swarnkar

Effect of enzyme to substrate ratio of exogenous fibrolytic and protease enzymes on in vitro gas production kinetics
Bandla Srinivas, O. H. Chaturvedi, R. Malik, M. Asgar

Effect of thawing and thermal resistance test on acrosomal status of ram spermatozoa cryopreserved under controlled and uncontrolled cooling rates
Anil Joshi, Davendra Kumar, S.M.K. Naqvi, S. Saha, V.P. Maurya

Association of PCR-SSCP variants of growth hormone gene with growth traits in Sirohi breed of goat
S. Kumar, S.P. Dixit, O.P. Pathodiya, B.S. Khadha, R. Chander, M.K. Vyas, S.H.G. Wickramaratne, S.C. Gupta, Jagdeep Kaur

Single strand conformation polymorphism at growth hormone gene in Jamunapari breed of goat
M.K. Vyas, S.P. Dixit, S. Kumar, S.H.G. Wickramaratne, Jagdeep Kaur, N.P. Singh, M.K. Singh

Caprine paratuberculosis in farm and farmer's goat herds: An assessment of prevalence in target tissues, comparison of culture, PCR and indigenous elisa kit and genotypes of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis
P.K. Singh, S.V. Singh, A.V. Singh, J.S. Sohal

Mortality pattern in exotic and crossbred sheep at an organized farm of Kashmir valley
T.K. Sarkar, S. Banik, T.A.S. Ganai, P.K. Singh, N. Ganai

Livestock holding pattern and feeding practices in semiarid Eastern region of Rajasthan
O.H. Chaturvedi, S.K. Sankhyan, J.S. Mann, S.A. Karim

Evaluation of commercially available Goshtaba for quality parameters
Asif. H. Sofi, Sarfaraz. A. Wani, A.H. Malik, Mir Salahuddin, Z. H. Munshi, M.A. Pal

Farmers’ management practices and economics of sheep farming in eastern semi-arid region of Rajasthan
A. Suresh, D.C. Gupta, J.S. Mann

Health care and marketing practices of goats in Mewar region of Southern Rajasthan
M.L. Gurjar, O.P. Pathodiya, S.C. Jingar, M.C. Sharma

Short communications

Utilization of Asana (Bridelia retusa) and Bhend (Thespesia populnea) tree leaves in complete feeds for goats
R.G. Burte, V.D. Patil, C.V. Bhambure, J.M. Talathi, P.V. Jadhav, R.S. Rathod

Effect of housing systems on blood constituents of ewes during summer in a subtropical climate
D.N. Singh, K.N. Wadhwani, J.S. Arya, N.P. Sarvaiya, A.M. Patel

Factors affecting birth weight of Tellicherry kids
A.K. Thiruvenkadan, K. Chinnamani, J. Muralidharan, K. Karunanithi

Studies on reproductive traits of Bengal goats in a part of West Bengal
Ananta K. Das, Mrinal Kanti Manna, Ajit K. Sahoo, Rajib Deb, Rajani Kr. Paul

Economic analysis of Sonadi sheep rearing under field conditions
S.P. Tailor, Lokesh Gupta

Histopathological study of goat pox in a natural outbreak
R.V.S. Pawaiya, P.S.K. Bhagwan, S. C. Dubey

Morphological studies of a unique strain of goats (Pantja) of tarai region of Uttarakhand
P.K. Verma, D.V. Singh, Ashok Kumar, S.K. Singh

Seroprevalence of mycoplasmosis in sheep and goats of Himachal Pradesh
Jagdev Ramdeva, Mandeep Sharma, V.C. Katoch, P. Dhar, R. Chahota

Lambing pattern and sex ratio in Sonadi sheep reared by the farmers in semi-arid conditions of Rajasthan
S.P. Tailor, Lokesh Gupta, R.K. Nagda


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