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Year : 2019, Volume : 9, Issue : 4
First page : ( 143) Last page : ( 151)
Print ISSN : 0000-0000. Online ISSN : 2249-6270. Published online : 2019  1.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-6270.2019.00070.9

Adjustment of secondary school teachers in relation to their quality of life

Pushpa M.1Dr.Assistant Professor

1DOS in Education, University of Mysore, Mysuru-57006. Karnataka


Teachers are the leaders of the community and nation in the march of better and higher quality of life. They reveal and elaborate the secrets of attaining higher values in life and nurture empathy for the fellow beings. They not only disseminate knowledge but also create and generate new knowledge. They are responsible for building up of a harmonious, progressive and healthy in total a sustainable society.In this background the researcher has a thought to know about the adjustment of teachers in relation to their quality of life at secondary level who are creators of future citizens. As these teachers are going to teach students at adolescent stage who are at transition phase faces a number of challenges. Hence it is essential to have teachers with high level of adjustment to deal these students. Hence necessary attention should be given to know about the adjustment of teachers to develop effective teachers for successful professional as well as personal life who in turn can produce new generation who lead and contribute to the national development. The study purposes in order to verify whether there is a significant difference between secondary school teachers belonging to different categories of variables viz., male and female, government, aided and unaided, 0–5, 5–10 and 10+ years of teaching experience with reference to adjustment and quality of life.. It is also purports to know whether there is a significant relationship between adjustment and quality of life of teachers.The study revealed a Positive, significant correlation between adjustment and quality of life and a Significant difference between quality of life of male and female secondary school teachers. The female teachers found to possess high level of quality of life. From The study it was also found that there is a significant difference among adjustment of secondary school teachers working in government, aided and unaided schools and teachers different years of teaching experience.



Adjustment, Quality of Life, Secondary School Teachers.


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