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Year : 2019, Volume : 9, Issue : 4
First page : ( 100) Last page : ( 110)
Print ISSN : 0000-0000. Online ISSN : 2249-6270. Published online : 2019  1.
Article DOI : 10.5958/2249-6270.2019.00067.9

a study on hr development practices in banking sector with special reference to corporation bank, Mangaluru city

Manju H Mrs.1Asst.Professor, Shashikala K.G Mrs.2Asst.Professor

1Dept. Of Commerce, SDM college of Business Management, Mangaluru-575001

2Dept. Of Economics, SDM college of Business Management


In India the banking industry becoming more competitive than ever, private and public sector banks are competing each other to perform well. The executives of the bank are now in the position to modify their traditional human resources practice in to innovative human resources practices in order to meet the challenges from other competitive banks. The Human Resource Development department has to play a more proactive role in shaping the employees to fight out the challenges. The banks not only have to make plans and policies and devise strategies, the actual functionaries have to show competence and effectiveness in executing the said policies and strategies. In commercial organizations like banks, HRD departments have the advantages of not being excessively burdened with day-to-day problems of running the banks or ensuring profitability of individual transactions. They are in positions to take strategic and long term view of the competitive advantage of the human resources as well as identify areas of professional weaknesses to rectify well before any damage takes place in the organization. Indeed they have the golden opportunity to implement the desired HR policies to improve and strengthen the organization to withstand the onslaught of fierce competition in future. The present paper revealed some suggestions to enhance HR development strategies, and to cope up with the existing complexities in the wake of severe competition in the field of employee development in banks.



HR development strategies, HRD policies, Productivity.


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