Impact of digital recruitment & selection process on candidates at selected private sector banks Shenoy Gurudath Mr.1, Assistant Professor, Jain Suman Mr.2, Assistant Professor 1Dept. of Business Management, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire 2Dept. of Commerce, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire Abstract Private sector banks are experiencing a tremendous growth in their performance year on year. The major cause behind this is its dynamic workforce which is very much efficient in its performance, stable in maintaining customer relations, very much talented in its operations. Presently time has changed, changed time has led to the change in recruitment & selection trends. In the earlier times Human resource departments of leading private sector banks were spending lot of their time in search of right talents & to recruit the same. Presently in a couple of years back we have seen that everything has turned digitalized. The whole process of recruitment is made online, for which our younger generations are acclimatized. In the years to come this will become a practice with all the banks. This is studied in this paper to some extent. Top Keywords Experiencing, Performance, Talented, Digitalized, Acclimatized. Top | | | |
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