Students perception and satisfaction on phonepe wallet with reference to s d m college ujire Shenoy Gurudath Mr.1, Assistant Professor, Nataraj K Mr.2, Assistant Professor 1Dept. of Business Management, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire 2Dept. Of political Science, SDM College (Autonomous), Ujire Abstract Cashless transactions are on the verge of increase in the present days. Most of the people find it very convenient to carry out their transactions without any kind of risk. Digital payments are very fast & the amount will be credited to the receivers account instantly. Transaction can be done anytime, anywhere without any requirements of documents. In the present day economic state financial transactions are carried out in digital form without the presence of physical cash. Easiest mode to carry out digital payment transactions is by using payment apps. It has emerged as an important tool in advancing financial inclusion because of lower transaction costs & safety & convenience of making payments. Top Keywords Transactions, Convenient, Digital payments, Financial transactions, Physical cash, Payment apps. Top | | | |
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