Cluster approach to understand malnutrition in urban India: a disaggregated analysis across the states Dr. Choudhary Neetu Qr. No. 2M/61, Bahadurpur Housing Colony Patna – 800026, Bihar, India choudharyneetu@gmail.com Online published on 31 January, 2012. Abstract This paper is an attempt to understand nutrition insecurity and vulnerability in urban India from a cluster approach. Two cluster analyses have been carried out based on nutrition status as well as vulnerability parameters. This helps in actual classification of states while facilitating an understanding into the underlying dynamics. The findings reveal that states with better employment indicators do not necessarily group as clusters with better nutrition outcomes. Instead, few states of India fare better in nutrition outcome despite relatively high unemployment. Two strings that emerge to explain this gap between income and nutrition outcomes are women’s status and public intervention. Top | |
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