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International Journal of Social and Economic Research
Year : 2011, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 182) Last page : ( 189)
Online ISSN : 2249-6270.

Job satisfaction among the employees of neyveli lignite corporation limited

Dr. Damodaran K.

Online published on 31 January, 2012.


The present paper analyses the job satisfaction of the employees of Thermal Power Station I of Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC). Job satisfaction parts a major role in increasing the productivity and achieving the goal in an efficient manner. At present, job satisfaction is a topic of considerable interest to employers since it is likely to influence the workers on their performance, and the firm's, performance. The concept of job satisfaction has numerous definitions where the researcher has considered job security, relationship with peers and administrators, working conditions, salary, rewards and allowances, infrastructure and personal development for analyzing job satisfaction among the employees of Neyveli thermal power station I. The employees engage in Thermal Power Station I are executives, supervisors, permanent and society employees are surveyed for the study. From the survey, it is found that the job satisfaction is determined by the employment status and economic factors. Of the employees, job satisfaction of executives and supervisors has registered at higher level while the same is low for society and permanent employees. Thus, the study suggests the organization to take care of the well being of the society and permanent employees for availing uninterrupted electricity for the nation.


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