Poverty, human trafficking and social exclusion: space for new discourses Dr. N Mahadeviah V, Dr. Nanjunda Devajana C, N Venu gopal P, Dr. E Bhamini Subrmanya C, Dr. Suresh Roopa National Observatory for Anthropological Research, Mysore, India Online published on 31 January, 2012. Abstract Till very recently the term “trafficking” was not precisely defined in international law despite its inclusion in a numbers of international legal agreements. Human trafficking has been defined as the commercial trade of human beings, who are subjected to involuntary acts such as begging, prostitution or forced labour. Human trafficking takes place both within the border and beyond borders. Countries in South Asia region act as source, transit and destination countries Poverty and lack of education make the women, particularly in the rural areas, vulnerable to the problem. Due to the lucrative nature of the prostitution business in the urban areas, socially and economically deprived women find no other options but to take it as a profession. To combat human trafficking, several short-term and long-term measures are needed to be taken up at all levels. There is an urgent need to create awareness among the public about human trafficking. Media can play a very effective role here. Poverty alleviation measures too will help in combating it in the long run. This article gives a solid background for future discourses. Top | |
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