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International Journal of Social and Economic Research
Year : 2011, Volume : 1, Issue : 1
First page : ( 133) Last page : ( 151)
Online ISSN : 2249-6270.

The Burden surplus” A food policy challenge approached through statistical modeling converging lost motives of food security and procurement management in India.

Trivedi Arti, Srivastava Shagun, Dr. Misra Madhvendra, Dr. Tiwari Vijayshri, Mr. Rai Shashikant

Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad. imb2009028@iiita.ac.in

Online published on 31 January, 2012.


Research Objectives:

To investigate the various socio-economic and food policy based reasons behind the surplus stock of staple grains such as wheat and rice which is in excess to the prescribed buffer norms being carried by Food Corporation of India and problems posed by it.


This research paper reports the result of ex post facto research and illustrating the descriptive research design focusing on-Statistical analysis of 10 years data (2001 to 2010) collected through secondary online resources using line equations, R-squared value and projection charts. Generation of regression model using quantitative and dummy variables to establish level of association between problem (surplus stock) and its causes.


Regression model signifies and explore the reasons of need to redefine the existing government food policy and food management. The results indicate that reasons of higher surplus stock are low off-take, higher procurement, Low Open market sales and growing urbanization along with the others.


The paper would guide towards reframing the policy for efficient disposal of the surplus stock without adversely affecting the national food security policy.

Research Limitations:

Due to unavailability of data few others significant factors responsible for surplus stock (like non-issuance of ration cards) could not be included. Results could have been refined further if larger set of data were available.


This paper depicts the food security paradox in India and novel explanations of factors responsible for surplus stock using regression model that are proposed in a completely new context.



Surplus Stock, FCI, Buffer Norms, MSP, Food Grains, Food Security, Procurement.


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