Women empowerment through women entrepreneurship in India: an analysis Ms. Agarwal Surabhi, HOD Department of Business Administration Saroj Institute of Technology & Management Lucknow-UP Online published on 31 January, 2012. Abstract The questions surrounding women's empowerment the condition and position of women have now become critical issue not only to human rights based approaches to development but also to the society. With the advent of industrialization, globalization, mass education and a sense of right of equality and to do something, women are putting their steps in the entrepreneurial world. They have to perform the multifaceted roles in the society along with their professional life. The paper discusses the need to empower the women, the way and various schemes run by the government to improve the statues of women in the society. The paper also talks about the women entrepreneurship through which they can stand on their feet. Top Keywords Women empowerment, Entrepreneurship, multifaceted roles of women, India, barriers and different schemes for development and improvement of women entrepreneurship. Top | |
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