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Indian Journal of Soil Conservation
Year 2008, Volume-36, Issue-3 (December)
Print ISSN : 0970-3349

Table of contents

Rainfall characteristics of Sagar island in Sundarban, West Bengal
P.B. Chakraborty, A.P.N. Mandai

Rainfall runoff correlation for Manimala river basin in Kerala
Celine George

Artificial neural network modelling of reference evapotranspiration for Garhwal region of Uttarakhand
Ramesh Singh, H. C. Sharma, Ambrish Kumar

Evaluating interrelationship of meteorological parameters using regression model: A case study from Ranchi, Jharkhand, India
Swati Pandey, Manoj Kumar, N.C. Mahanti

Probability analysis of consecutive days annual maximum rainfall for the design of surface drains in semi-arid Maharastra
G. T. Patle

Hypsometric analysis of the lesser Himalayan watersheds using geographical information system
Omvir Singh, A. Sarangi

Estimation of throughfall in Pine tree (Pinus kesiya) in Meghalaya
K. K. Satapathy, Benjamin Kaman

Water resource assessment in Munijhara watershed of Orissa
Ranu Rani Sethi, A. Kumar, S.P. Sharma, R.B. Singadhupe

Water resource development in Andaman & Nicobar Islands – A futuristic vision
R.C. Srivastava

Water retention characteristics and development of models for prediction of available water capacity of the soil
Jeetendra Kumar, A.K.P. Singh

Erodibility of major soil sub-groups of eastern region of India
Ravender Singh, D.K. Kundu

Soil erosion assessment using revised Morgan, Morgan Finney model for prioritization of Dhanikhari watershed in south Andaman
A. Velmurugan, T.P. Swarnam, Praveen Kumar, N. Ravisankar

Effect of organic mulches on moisture conservation for rainfed turmeric production in mango orchard
Dinesh Kumar, V. Pandey, Vishal Nath


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