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Indian Journal of Soil Conservation
Year 2008, Volume-36, Issue-2 (August)
Print ISSN : 0970-3349

Table of contents

Applicability of USLE to predict soil erosion under sub-tropical climate of India
R.N. Gupta, H.P. Chaudhary

A micro sprinkler based portable rainfall simulator for hydrologic studies
Anshuman Kohli, K L Khera

Application of autoregressive moving average models to annual stream flows
R. N. Wagh, Devendra Kumar

Erodibility of three well defined series of laterite soils in Kerala under simulated rainfall conditions
S. Sajeena, V. M. Abdul Hakkim, E. K. Kurien

Stabilization of clay sized microaggregates in rhizosphere environment
Debashis Mandal, S.C. Datta

Hydrophysical characteristics in soils of Chhattisgarh state
Ravender Singh, S.K. Chaudhari, D.K. Kundu

Effect of land development treatments and crop management practices on conservation of soil moisture and nutrients
H.K. Senapati, G.H. Santra

In-situ soil moisture and nutrient management in relation to performance of rainfed wheat in submontane region of Punjab
Sanjay Arora, M.S. Hadda

Effect of integrated nutrient management on soil physical and hydraulic properties in rice-wheat crop sequence in N-W Himalayas
Anil K. Choudhary, R.C. Thakur, Naveen Kumar

Impact of in situ moisture conservation practices on soil moisture and growth of ber and kusum for sustained lac production in Jharkhand
R.K. Singh, B.P. Singh, Bangali Baboo, Balram Singh

Improving productivity in acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) through adoption of rainwater conservation practices in Vertisols
P. Panigrahi, A.K Srivastava, A.D Huchche, Shyam Singh

Production and economics of Kinnow cultivation with wheat and gobhi sarson in Himachal Pradesh
Kamal Sharma, Sanjeev Thakur, Ravinder Sharma, S. D. Kashyap

Economic evaluation of integrated micro watershed development project in Solapur district of Maharashtra
A.N. Deshpande, G.K. Bembalkar

Watershed development programme -knowledge and involvement of the people
R.L. Reddy, R.K. Raj, B.K. Mohanty, Minati Behera


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