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Indian Journal of Soil Conservation
Year : 2008, Volume : 36, Issue : 2
First page : ( 124) Last page : ( 126)
Print ISSN : 0970-3349.

Watershed development programme -knowledge and involvement of the people

Reddy R.L., Raj R.K., Mohanty B.K.*P.G. Scholar, Professor, Associate Professor, Behera Minati**

Department of Extension Education, College of Agriculture, OUAT, Bhubaneswar, (Orissa).

*Extension Education, College of Agriculture, Bhubaneswar.

**SMS, Home Science:, Directorate of Extension Education, QUAT, Bhubaneswar.

Received:  January,  2008; Revised:  May,  2008; Revised:  June,  2008; Accepted:  July,  2008.


The National Watershed Development Programme is a single window, integrated, participatory and sustainable area development programme. The watershed people have to fully involve in programme implementation including fund utilization. A study was undertaken in Chandragiri and Pakala mandals of Chittor districts in Andhra Pradesh involving 120 beneficiaries from four watersheds. It was observed that the watershed people had low knowledge about the project resulting in poor involvement in the project activities. Since socio-economic variables had much influence on most of the dependent variables, sufficient exposure to the guideline is necessary for ensuring their active involvement in the project for sustainable development.


Key words

Involvement, Technology, Watershed programmes.


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