Economic evaluation of integrated micro watershed development project in Solapur district of Maharashtra Deshpande A.N., Bembalkar G.K.*, Junior Research Assistant Department of Soil Science and Agril. Chemistry, MP.K. V., Rahuri, Maharashtra. *Department of Agricultural Economics, M.P.K.V., Rahuri-413722, Maharashtra.
Abstract Integrated micro watershed development (650 ha) was carried out at village Wadala Dist. Solapur (Maharashtra) under NATP-RNPS-2 during 2000–05 and economic evaluation was carried out during 2005–06. Economic evaluation of soil water conservation activities. with reference to income generation, crop diversity and economic viability revealed that average per farm gross irrigated cropped area of beneficiary farmers increased by 30 per cent over non-beneficiary farmers. The beneficiary farmers have diverted the irrigated area towards cash crop cultivation and the crop diversion of beneficiary farmers was 10 per cent more as compared to nonbeneficiary farmers. In case of beneficiary farmers there was an increase in irrigated area under kharif crops particularly under pulses and oil seeds as well as under sugarcane, ber and grapes. The per hectare use of resources were higher on the farms of beneficiaries than non-beneficiaries. The B:C ratio at cost 'A' in case of beneficiaries (1.59) was higher than non-beneficiaries (1.26). The net returns for beneficiaries at cost 'A', 'B' and 'C' were Rs. 8169, Rs. 3057 and Rs. 754, respectively and Rs.2822 at cost 'A' for non-beneficiaries while at cost 'B' and 'C' non-beneficiaries were in loss by Rs. 602 and Rs. 2088, respectively. The study also revealed that investments on soil and water conservation work has created a positive impact on agricultural production and farm profitability. Top Key words Crop diversity, Income generation, Integrated watershed development. Top | |
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