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Indian Journal of Soil Conservation
Year : 2008, Volume : 36, Issue : 2
First page : ( 112) Last page : ( 118)
Print ISSN : 0970-3349.

Production and economics of Kinnow cultivation with wheat and gobhi sarson in Himachal Pradesh

Sharma Kamal, Thakur Sanjeev*, Sharma Ravinder**, Kashyap S. D.

Dr YS Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry, Regional Horticultural and Forestry Research Station Bhota, District Hamirpur, (HP).

*Regional Horticultural Research Station, Jachh. DistrictKangra, (HP)

**Directorate of Research, Nauni, Solan (HP).

Received:  April,  2008; Revised:  August,  2008; Accepted:  August,  2008.


Integration of trees with agricultural crops is an age old practice. However, little information is available regarding quantification of production and profitability of different agroforestry models. Present studies deal with microclimate, production and economics of agroforestry system integrating kinnow (Citrus reticulata) with wheat (Triticum aestivum) var. PBW 343 and gobhi sarson (Brassica campestris) var. Neelam (HPN-3). Microclimatic conditions improved under the tree-crop combination, however, light interception by kinnow plants was 67.4 to 84.5 per cent revealing that light received by wheat and gobhi sarson under kinnow plants was only 15.5 to 32.6 per of the total sun light. Average yields (q/ha) of wheat (18.68) and gobhi sarson (10.34) under kinnow plants were less in comparison to that of wheat (22.34) and gobhi sarson (12.01) grown in open. However, overall returns from agri-horticulture system were higher in comparison to sole crops. Cultivation of gobhi sarson with kinnow was observed to be more profitable than wheat. The maximum returns per hectare (Rs. 56407.55) were realized under kinnow-gobhi sarson combination.


Key words

Agroforestry, Gobhi sarson, Kinnow, Microclimate, Returns, Wheat, Yield.


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