Improving productivity in acid lime (Citrus aurantifolia Swingle) through adoption of rainwater conservation practices in Vertisols Panigrahi P., Srivastava A.K, Huchche A.D, Singh Shyam National Research Centre for Citrus, P.O. Shankar Nagar, Nagpur-44001O, Maharastra, India. Abstract Various rainwater conservation treatments viz., continuous bunding, continuous trenching, staggered trenching between the rows and control (without rainwater conservation treatment) were evaluated during 2003–06 in 11 year-old acid lime orchard at Research Farm of National Research Centre for Citrus, Nagpur. All the conservation treatments were effective in reducing runoff (18.84 -38.24%) and soil loss (2.15 -2.89 t ha−1 yr−1) over control. Continuous trenching was the better treatment and conserved 38% more runoff, reduced 32% soil loss, 32% N, 28% P, and 29% K, and produced 18% higher fruit yield (17.2 kg plant−1) over control. Among different fruit quality parameters (TSS, juice percentage and acidity), juice percentage was significantly higher in plants planted in continuous trenching (43.8%) over control (35.4%). Top Key words Acid lime, Productivity, Rainwater conservation, Vertisols. Top |