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Indian Journal of Soil Conservation
Year : 2008, Volume : 36, Issue : 2
First page : ( 94) Last page : ( 96)
Print ISSN : 0970-3349.

In-situ soil moisture and nutrient management in relation to performance of rainfed wheat in submontane region of Punjab

Arora Sanjay, Hadda M.S.

Department of Soils, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana -141 004, India.

Received:  December,  2007; Revised:  June,  2008; Accepted:  September,  2008.


The foothill North-western region of Punjab has sloping topography. light soil texture, deep water table and suffers from ill distribution of rainfall in space and time. In an on-farm experiment on rain fed wheat (var. PBW 396), conducted in a microwatershed located in the region, soil moisture storage registered an increase of 7.7, 12.8 and 15.4 per cent in treatment T2 (minor land shaping + NPK), T3 (T2 + 25% N replacement through FYM) and T4 (T3 + ridge sowing + Zn + herbicides), respectively over the farmers' practice (T1). Maximum increase in plant height of 28.7 per cent was observed in T4 followed by 19.9 per cent in T3 and 13.6 percent in T2 treatment than that in T1 Number of grains per ear increased to the tunc of 10.3, 26.2 and 31.1 per cent through T2, T3 and T4 treatments over the treatment T1 Grain and straw yield of wheat significantly increased by 38.6 and 65.3 per cent in T2, 56.3 and 76.6 per cent in T3 and 63.3 and 88.2 per cent in T4 treatment, respectively over the control (T1). Total N uptake increased by 63.4, 101.4 and 125.1 per cent, while P uptake increased by an amount of 2.27, 4.34 and 5.58 kg ha−1 and K uptake in grain and straw of wheat by 81.3, 114.4 and 136.4 per cent in T2, T3 and T4 treatments respectively over T1 (Farmers' practice). Maximum monetary returns (Rs. 4013 ha−l) were obtained in T4 treatment.


Key words

ill-situ soil moisture storage, nutrient management, rainfed wheat, submontane Punjab, yield and economics.


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