Hydrophysical characteristics in soils of Chhattisgarh state Singh Ravender, Chaudhari S.K., Kundu D.K. Water Technology Centre for Eastern Region, Bhubaneswar, Orissa-751023. Abstract Based on rainfall pattern, temperature, soil type and existing cropping pattern, Chhattisgarh State is divided into three regions viz. North Hill, Plain and Baster Plateau. Dominant soil groups of these three regions were studied for their hydro-physical properties. Water storage capacity of Lithic Haplustoll and Typic Haplustalf were very high (24.35 and 23.93 cm m−1 depth) and that of Typic Ustorthent and Typic Haplustept was high (18.53 and 17.18 cm m−1 depth) in the North Hill region. The erosion index was highest in Typic Haplustept (33.59) and was followed by Typic Ustorthent (28.51) and Typic Haplustalf (22.44). In the Plain region, water storage capacity was very high for Vertic Haplustept and Typic Haplustert (22.8 and 20.70 cm m−1 depth), high for Typic Haplustept and Chromic Haplustert (19.89 and 17.85 cm m−1), and low for Typic Rhodustalf(7.56 cm m−1). The erosion index was highest in Typic Haplustept (42.10) and the lowest in Typic Rhodustalf (24.74). In Bastar Plateau region, water storage capacity was high in Typic Haplustept and Typic Haplustalf (18.46 and 17.31 cm m−1), and medium in Lithic Ustorthent (10.66 cm m −1). The erosion index was highest in Typic Haplustept (31.70) and was followed by Typic Haplustalf (24.67) and Lithic Ustorthent (21.66). Top Key words Available water capacity, Erosion index, Hydraulic conductivity, Soil water diffusivity. Top | |
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