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Indian Journal of Soil Conservation
Year : 2008, Volume : 36, Issue : 1
First page : ( 42) Last page : ( 47)
Print ISSN : 0970-3349.

Performance of Phalsa (Grewia subinaequalis Lin.) through integrated nutrient and canopy management on saline soils of the Indo-Gangetic plains

Rathore A.C., Raizada A., Jayaprakash J.

Department of Horticulture, C. S. A. U.A & T., Kanpur, UP.

Received:  March,  2008; Revised:  April,  2008; Revised:  May,  2008; Accepted:  May,  2008.


Phalsa (G. subinaequalis Lin.) is a lesser known fruit suitable for cultivation in tropical to sub-tropical wastelands. It is a fruit with potential for value addition. Fresh fruits are rich in medicinal properties. An experiment was conducted to optimize integrated use of farm yard manure (FYM) and chemical fertilizers with canopy management by heading back of plants to improve vigour, yield and quality of phalsa raised on saline soils of the Indo-Gangetic plains. The study consisted of four treatments of varying proportions of FYM & NPK supplied through inorganic sources, with four levels of canopy management. Results revealed that phalsa plants fertilized with 25 kg FYM + 50:15:25 g of NPK plant−1 recorded significant increase in fruit yield and total soluble solids by 27% & 12% and 32% & 13% respectively, than other treatments, while bushes manured with 20 kg FYM + 50:15:25 g NPK (T2) showed significant increase in fruit yield and total soluble solids by 12.5% and 13% respectively, than other treatments. Phalsa plants headed back to 100 cm height (P2) significantly increased fruit yield by 68.8%, 32.4%, 17.8% and total soluble solids by 42%, 30% and 14.4% over P0, P1 and P3 respectively. However, bushes headed back to 50 cm height significantly improved fruit yield by 26.7% and total soluble solids by 10% over control. It was concluded that application of 25 kg FYM and NPK in a ratio of 50:IS: 10 gm per plant and heading back the bushes to 100 cm height significantly improved plant performance, fruit yield and fruit quality.



Fruit yield and quality, Inorganic fertilizers, Organic manures, Pruning levels.


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