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International Journal of Research in Social Sciences
Year : 2020, Volume : 10, Issue : 8
First page : ( 235) Last page : ( 238)
Online ISSN : 2249-2496.

Gender differentiates the account of Grit: An Empirical Study

Dr. Soni Rekha

Post Research Scholar, Department of Psychology, V K S University, Ara (India)

Online published on 10 December, 2021.


Today, life is not easy as we think. Many times, hurdles make the life very challenging and sometimes, life becomes very boring. But when these kinds of situation make ourlife difficult or boring, positive psychology and positive psychologists play a significant role and workas aweaponin this time. The construct of “Grit” originates from positive psychology and is Defined as an individual's efforts to persistently pursue long-term goals/interests. It is anon cognitivetrait of personality in the field of positive approach that helpsus to achieve target in our life journey. But the question arise here is that the level of grit in male and femaleare equal or not. Previous studies have also found a blurred line in relation gender difference. There is lack of empirical evidences that address the blurring boundaries between males and females in this construct. The present study aims to explore the difference between males (n=64) and females (n=86) on Grit Scale. The sample comprised of 150 participants (aged 18–30 years). The Grit Scale was administered on all the respondents and scored as per the manual. The data would be analyzed using t-test analysis.



Gender, Grit.


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