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International Journal of Research in Social Sciences
Year : 2020, Volume : 10, Issue : 8
First page : ( 151) Last page : ( 167)
Online ISSN : 2249-2496.

Underground Stone Collection and Its Impact on Environment: A Study on Panchagarh District

Md. Ahmmed Forhad1

1PhD, Lecturer, Department of Social Work, Bangamata Sheikh Fojilatunnesa Mujib Science and Technology University, Jamalpur, Bangladesh, e-mail: forhadapilot@gmail.com

Online published on 10 December, 2021.


In most countries of the world, underground mining resources are considered as important contributors to economic development. But quite often these works cause a lot of damage to the environment and put many lives under threat. In the northern part of Bangladesh, there are huge quantities of stones stored beneath the surface in some districts. Local people collect these stone and supply them to different places for construction and development work. The researcher chose this important area of study to explore the environmental impact of underground stone collection. The study was an exploratory one based on sample survey, where the researcher tried to show the environmental impact of underground stone collection. The study conducted in the farthest district of Bangladesh-Panchagarh. The researcher collected data from four categories of respondent. A total of 317 respondents were considered as the sample of the study. It is observed from the findings of the study that though due to stone collection the socio-economic condition of the local people had developed, it has left some negative impacts on environment of the study area. Because of underground stone collection, soil erosion, destruction of soil composition and loss of soil fertility had become very common. Besides, it is observed that, underground stone collection is responsible for riverbank erosion, deforestation and main cause of reduction in cultivable land.



Environment, Underground Stone, Environmental Degradation, Land Seller.


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