Job Matching: The Key to Performance Bhat Zahid H. Research Scholar, Department of Business & Financial Studies, University of Kashmir Online published on 16 December, 2014. Abstract The desirability of ‘fit’ between individuals and their work environments has long been a research interest in organizational behavior and industrial/organizational (I/O) psychology. Person-Job fit research may be considered a specific form of congruence research that focuses explicitly on corresponding person and job constructs. Person-job fit is an important precursor of performance. It was previously reported that person-job fit has a significant relationship with the performanceof employees in various business sectors; hence the focus of this study to discover whether similar relationships exist among employees of retail banks. This correlational study examined the link between job fit and employee performance. Questionnaire was administered to 108 employees working in Jammu and Kashmir Bank Ltd. Hypotheses were tested through correlational and regression analytical procedures to assess the relationship and the relative impact of person-job fit on employee performance. The results revealed significant relationships between the variables. Top Keywords Person-job fit, Employee performance, Banking. Top | |
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