The Effect of Social and Emotional Quotient on Social Capital Adaabi Mersedeh* PhD student in Governmental Administration Human Resource Trends, Management Department, Islamic Azad University, UAE branch, Dubai, UAE *Corresponding author. E-mail address: mg.adabi@gmail.com
Online published on 6 September, 2014. Abstract According to dependency of Social Capital to the relationships between individuals and the undeniable impact of emotional quotient on the formation of interpersonal relationships, in this research it is tried to explain the impact of EQ on social capital. In this study, to test the significance observable variables and latent variables and also the value of obtained measurement models, it is used from confirmatory factor analysis. Eventually, it is used Pearson correlation test due to study the relationships among the variables of the research, and for investigation of Cause and effect relations of variables, and examining the conceptual model of the research by Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) via LISREL Software. The results confirmed a significant relationship between these two variables. Top Keywords Emotional Quotient, Social Capital. Top | |
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