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International Journal of Research in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
Year : 2014, Volume : 2, Issue : 3
First page : ( 145) Last page : ( 153)
Print ISSN : 2320-8716. Online ISSN : 2320-8724.

The Impact of Staff Empowerment on Service Quality in Training Organizations

Karimi Abbas1,*, Mokarrami Mahmoud2, Salajegheh Sanjar3, Bagherabadi Gholam Hossein4

1Department of Pedagogical Sciences & Entrepreneurship, Instructor Training Center, IRAN Technical and Vocational Training Organization (ITC-TVTO), Karaj, Iran

2Deputy of Research and Planning, Instructor Training Center, IRAN Technical and Vocational Training Organization (ITC-TVTO), Karaj, Iran

3Faculty of Islamic Azad University, Kerman Branch

4Deputy of Research and Planning, Instructor Training Center, IRAN Technical and Vocational Training Organization (ITC-TVTO), Karaj, Iran

*Corresponding author's E-mail address: abbaskarimi@ut.ac.ir

Online published on 6 September, 2014.


This paper tries to study the relationship between empowerment of human resources and service quality of Instructor Training Center and Technical and Vocational Researches (ITC). ITC affiliated to IRAN Technical and Vocational Training Organization (Iran TVTO), is the main body responsible for non formal and skill training. In this research according to researchers’ viewpoint, empowerment includes 5 factors: “Competence”, “Impact”, “Meaningfulness”, “Choice/Self-determination” and “Trust”. On the other hand, based on Parasuraman's model and viewpoints of respective chief experts, ITC's service quality includes 7 factors: “Tangibles”, “Reliability”, “Responsiveness”, “Assurance”, “Empathy”, “Process of Service Provision” and “Social Responsibility”. This is an applied-type paper and is implemented by using the approach of descriptive correlation design, the research tools are standard questionnaires. Findings showed that there is 70% significant and Positive correlation between staff empowerment and service quality.



Competency, impact, Instructor Training Center and Technical and Vocational Researches (ITC), responsiveness, skill training.


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