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International Journal of Research in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
Year : 2014, Volume : 2, Issue : 3
First page : ( 24) Last page : ( 33)
Print ISSN : 2320-8716. Online ISSN : 2320-8724.

Evaluation of the introduction rate and applying philosophical aspects of progress-orienting and idealism, constructivism and humanism by high school teachers

Fallah Vahid, Abdollahi Masoume, Abolfazli Elham*, Halimi Ali

Department of Humanities, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran

*Corresponding Author: Elham Abolfazli, Department of Humanities, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran. E-mail: abolfazli_elham@yahoo.com

Online published on 6 September, 2014.


Great experts of education and training, stressing the importance of contemplation, know raising it as one of the main goals of education and training. Accordingly, the education system should provide appropriate opportunities to develop children's thinking, rather than merely conveying information to students. This research was conducted in descriptive method (survey) and its statistical population was 1196 teachers and 122 high schools administrators of the city of Babol. Of which 235 were determined through random -stratified sampling, also the second group of managers was selected by census method as samples. Data collected with a questionnaire consisting of 30 items for variables of progressivism, humanitarianism and constructionism in the field of teachers’ familiarity rate and 30 items for the rate of applying teachers in 3 aspects of progressivism, humanitarianism and constructionism with the Cronbach's alpha reliability was 0.9. Results of Chi-square test showed a significant positive correlation between the independent variables of progressivism, humanism and constructionism and the dependent variable of knowledge and application of teachers’ critical thinking.



Progressivism, Humanitarianism, Constructivism, Teachers, Applying Philosophical Aspects.


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