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International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences
Year : 2017, Volume : 7, Issue : 4
First page : ( 138) Last page : ( 148)
Online ISSN : 2249-7382.

Growth and Pattern of Fertilizer Consumption in Haryana

Dr. Kumar Sandeep1,  Akshu2

1Lecturer Economics, Dept. of school education Haryana

2Research Scholar, Department of Economics, M.D. University Rohtak

Online published on 25 September, 2017.


Agriculture sector plays a very significant role in the economy of the country as it contributes about 17.4 (Economic Survey 2013–14) per cent share in the GDP of the country and provide employment opportunities for the growing population of the country. As a result, providing food grains to the growing population is a matter of concern as it is possible only by increasing the productivity of food grains coupled with increasing use of fertilizers. The study examines the growth of fertilizer consumption in Haryana. The consumption of fertilizers has increased in Haryana but there are inter district variations are present as the CSS value shows that the maximum fertilizer consumption was in Sirsa and the minimum was in Panchkula. The consumption of fertilizers (NPK) ranges between-4.320 to +6.041 as shown by CSS values for the year 2014–15.



Fertilizers, Productivity, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potash.


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