Diversion of loan taken by Marginal Farmer Houesholds in Sonepat District of Haryana: An Analysis Dr. Duggal Hariom (Asst. Prof.), Department of commerce, Indira Gandhi University, Meerpur (Rewari) Online published on 25 September, 2017. Abstract The present study conducted for study the diversion of loan amount from which source of loan taken and use of that diverted amount for what purposes by the marginal farmer households in Sonepat district of Haryana state and to provide suggestions to overcome the problem of diversion of loan amount of marginal farmer households. The present study is empirical nature and mainly based on primary data collected by using stratified random sampling and direct interview method and open ended schedule will prepare for data collection. The total sample size is 600 marginal farmer households. The secondary data collected mainly from Haryana statistics abstracts and Sonepat district statistics abstract. The collected data analyzed by using wind range of appropriate statistics techniques such as Percentage, Average, Ratio, Proportions, Range and Chi-Square test etc. The study concludes that 26.67percent marginal farmers diverted the loan amount and the maximum diversion made from the loan taken from the institutional sources and in institutional source maximum loan diverted from the loan taken from commercial banks and in the non institutional sources maximum loan diverted from the loan taken from the money lenders, so the study suggests that the institutional agencies need to check after given loan, either the loan amount used for the purposes, for which loan taken and loan may be given in kinds also. The diverted loan amount used for the productive purposes found 11.64 percent and in productive purposes all amount diverted used for the fixed capital and 88.36percent diverted loan amount used for the non productive purposes and in the non productive purposes maximum amount used for house construction and repair and medical purposes, so the study suggest that special loan provided for the house construction and repair and special health insurance schemes are made for the marginal farmer households by the government. Top Keywords Indebtedness, Marginal Farmers, Institutional sources, Non Institutional sources, Productive purposes, non productive purposes. Top | |
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