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International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences
Year : 2017, Volume : 7, Issue : 4
First page : ( 1) Last page : ( 6)
Online ISSN : 2249-7382.

Thematic Study of Anita Desai's Major Novels

Dr. Vats Kranff1, Dr. Mehta Mani Mohan2, Mehta Saurabh3

1Asst. Professor, Govt. M.V.M. College, Bhopal

2Asst. Professor, Govt. S.G.S. College, Ganj Basoda

3Research Scholar, Barakatullah University, Bhopal

Online published on 25 September, 2017.


During the last two and half decades a large number of women novelists in Indian Fiction in English have attracted a great deal of attention and favorable comment. Famous among them are Kamla Markandaya, R P. Jhabwala, Nayantara sahgal, Veena Paintal, Attia Hussain, Jayshree Chatterjee, nargis Dalal, Namita Gokhale, Tapti Mukherjee, santha Rao and Anita Desai. Anita Desai is one of the most significant fiction writers today. Desai has social structure but a unique individual penetration. She refuses to accept abstractions and idealistic representation rather she explores the disturbed psyche of the modern Indian women and also tries to strike a balance between instinctual needs and intellectual aspirations. The present study is a humble attempt to throw light on the most prevailing themes and problems of the time discussed in her pieces of art. Now-a-days most of the people feel alone, unrelated to others and are unable to share their feelings. These problems form the backbone of Anita Desai, s themes in her novels.



Alienation, frustration, acculturation, chauvinist, expatriate, insensitive.


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