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International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences
Year 2017, Volume-7, Issue-3 (March)
Online ISSN : 2249-7382

Table of contents

Influence of perceived job stress and workplace incivility on turnover intention among selected workers in lagos metropolis
O.T Arogundade, B.F. Ayanda

An Study on the Emerging Trends in Indian Banking Sector
Rahul Ranjan Yadav, Vandana Kanojia, Daya Shanker Kanujia

Impact of Demonetization on Indian Economy
Dr. S. Preethi, Mrs. V.M. Sangeetha

Analysis of risk of fraud by the employees in nationalized banks
Dr. Sahila Chaudhry

Studies on Extensive Reading: Beliefs and Practices
T. Pushpanathan

ORMAS: Achievements and Challenges in Promoting Livelihoods in Rural and Forest Areas in Odisha
Jyoti Prakash Mohanty, Dr. Suprava Sahu

Participatory budgeting in local authorities and stakeholder consultations: A case of chipinge rural district council from period 2013 to 2015.
Rekai Elias Murire, Munyaradzi Duve, Clopas Kwenda, Dereck Chikuni, Christine Hurasha

State of media preparedness in natural disaster coverage in Zimbabwe: Case of Masvingo based media organisationsā€™ coverage of 2017 floods (January-March 2017).
Golden Maunganidze

Higher education in India: Need of reforms
Dinesh Kaushik

Enablers of Good Corporate Governance Softer Instruments and Practices beyond the Law
Dr. M Manjuanth Shettigar

Effectiveness of intervention programme in learning question tags at the secondary level
Dr. N. Vasuki

Environmental protection: A constitutional commitment in India
Dinesh Kaushik

Advertising: Boon or Curse for Women
Dr. Meenakshi Anand, Vani Tyagi

Analysis of risk of fraud by employees in private sector banks
Prof. Sultan Singh

Physical problems of farm women during weeding in rose field
Dr.(Mrs.) Razia Parvez, Dr. A.K.A. Lawrance, Swarn Lata

The Synergistic Integration Theory of Brain Phenomena
Gunnar Reichborn-Kjennerud

Health issues of farm women: During wheat harvesting
Dr.(Mrs.) Razia Parvez, Dr. A.K.A. Lawrance, Swarn Lata

Incidences of pain in different body parts during wheat harvesting
Dr.(Mrs.) Razia Parvez, Dr. A.K.A. Lawrance, Swarn Lata

Motor fitness variables as predictors in Kho-Kho playing ability among women
Dr. Mahender Singh, Chander Pal Moriya

The Parameters of Teacher's Education
Suman Lata

Effectiveness of game based learning for teaching venecular language for A1 schools
Takunda Munozogara, Clopas Kwenda, Dereck Chikuni, Christine Hurasha, Munyaradzi Duve

Social media as tools for the promotion of access to information, justice and peace during elections in Zimbabwe: Case of Bikita West by-election (January 2017)
Golden Maunganidze, Pepukai Chiwewe

The Invisible Citizen? Visibility, Disability and the Media-The Case Study of the Mirror and TellZim News
Pepukai Chiwewe, Golden Maunganidze

A comparative study of frustration and occupational stress among women teachers of government and private primary schools in Rohtak
Rekha Dalal, Dr. Indira Dhull

Crop Selection Algorithm-Technique for Price Prediction
Meenakshi Malik, Mamta Bansal, R.P. Agarwal, A.K. Kanojia, R.V. Singh

Exploring the relevance of WhatsApp groups in empowering Zimbabwean urban communities: Case of Wezhira Community Radio Initiativeā€˜s WhatsApp platforms
Golden Maunganidze, Pepukai Chiwewe

Multi-Model Approach Focusing on Crop Planning
Meenakshi Malik, Mamta Bansal, R.P. Agarwal, R. V. Singh, A. K. Kanojia


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