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International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences
Year 2016, Volume-6, Issue-4 (April)
Online ISSN : 2249-7382

Table of contents

Impact of viral marketing on handloom products with special reference to Coimbatore region
Dr. J Venkatesh, Vinoth Kumarasamy

Scope for Social Work intervention in preparation of a Resettlement Plan: A case study of a development project in Kashmir
G. Hassan Lone

Oil Price Slump and Exchange Rate Management in Nigeria
Dahiru Hassan Balami, Funmilola Fausat Ahmed, Hassan Dahiru Balami

Investigation of Aloe-Vera Tooth Gel Containing Active Salt and Alum by Time Kill Test
Madhuri D. Pardeshi, Dr. K. K. TAPAR

Relation between education and employment outcomes in the Indian labour market: A critical review of the literature
Swati Sharma

Did Reform Policy enhance the Efficiency of Banksoperating in Sudan? "Case Study Sixteen Banks in the Year 2014"
Khalafalla Ahmed Mohamed Arabi

Locating Women in Development Process in India
Dr. Manjula Upadhyay

Parametric Assessment of Governance Practices of Micro Finance Institutions in Karnataka-An Empirical Analysis
Dr. T.S. Devaraja, Mr. K.S. Lakshminarayana, Mr. T.S. Rakesh

Implementation of Environmental and Quality Management System: A Case from Indian Ayurveda Industry
Assissi Menachery, Giselle George, Satheesh Kumar

Microfinance and Women Empowerment A Study of Women Beneficiaries from Self-Help Groups Hand-in-Hand, Kancheepuram and Madura Microfinance, Trichy
Prof Suryakumari Duggirala, Dr V S Deshpande

Significance and Need for Social Science Research-The Indian Scenario
Dr. B.M. Alias Santosh Thakare

Women and Financial Education in Bidar City (Karnataka): A Study
Sangashetty Shetkar, Smt. Premalatha Munoli

The Role of The Marketing Aspects in Knowledge Management
Dr S&lstrock;awomir Czarniewski

Applicability of Statistical Techniques in Analyzing Dental Fluorosis of Rural Arcades A Case Study of Uddemarri Village in Telangana
N. Chandan Babu

Corroboration of Emboldened SHG Movement in India
Twinkle Prusty

Violation of Human Rights in The Kashmir Valley
Parvaiz Ahmad Qureshi

Evaluating Foreign Tourists’ Willingness to Pay for Ancient Gobeklitepe-Sanliurfa, Turkey
Ali Riza Manci

The Rationale and Framework for Evaluating The ICT Use in Teacher Education
Dr. G. R. Angadi

The New Creators in God's Own Country: Analysis of Entrepreneurial Intention among Business Students in Kerala
Deepa Unnithan, Prof. Dr. Hareesh Ramanathan

Using Transtheoretical Modelto Improve the Chronic Patient's Engagement in Chinese Therapeutic Massage
Frank, F. C. Pan, Jung-Ta Ou

Exploring Tourist's Awareness and Destination Loyalty in Madurai
Dr. S. Rajamohan, S. Shyam Sundar

A critical exploration of school education policy, using Foucaultian genealogy and discourse analysis, with regards to the construction of the student as a particular form of subjectivity in private schools in TamilNadu’, India
Lydia Harrell

Personal Factors Influence on Consumer Satisfaction in Indian Life Insurance Industry
Dr. Mukesh Srivastava, Dr. Charu Bisaria, Dr. Shobhit Goel

Barriers to ICT in Higher Education
Dr. Neeta Sahu

Total Quaity Management Practices in Indain Healthcare Industry
Dr. Anil Khurana, Satbir Singh

A Study of The Reasons of Urban Deprived Children Repeatedly Becoming Out-of-School Even After Their Mainstreaming in The Regular Schooling System
N.A. Dinesh, Dr. E Chandrashekar

Transitional Challenges Facing Staff Development in Selected Colleges of Education in Ghana
Afia Asantewaa Osei, Kofi Osei Adu

From Local Sub Prime Crisis To Global Economic Crisis: An Impact On Indian Economy
Anamika Choudhary

Total Quality Management in Healthcare of Sports Persons
Reena Kumari, Dr. Monika Verma

Key Determinants of US policy towards Kashmir under President George W. Bush
Shahzada Ashraf Maqbool

Refugee Crisis: Responses to Harness Economic Potential

An Empirical Study on Impact Assessment of Road Widening
Dr. Meenakshi Gupta, Ajay kumar Sharma

Challenges for women in Indian hotel industry: W.S.R.T. unorganized hotels
Rajiv Kumar Dwivedi, Dr Manoj Pandey, Dr Anil Vashisht

The Role of Personality in Occupational Commitment: A Correlation Study among Mental Health Professionals
Dr. T. Jothimani

Environment and Sustainable Development in Indian Planning
Dr. D. N. Harish


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