One Campaign Many Upshots-A study on GIVING IT UP LPG Subsidy and its contribution on Nation Building Dr. Jain Neetu Assistant professor, Bharati Vidyapeeth institute of Management and research, New Delhi Online published on 25 May, 2016. Abstract Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi has formally launched ‘GiveItUp ’movement on 27th of March 2015 in Delhi and appealed to all countrymen who can afford it, to come forward and give-up their LPG subsidy. Every consumer who gives up LPG subsidy will help to provide LPG connection to a BPL family. This will truly be a gift of good health to the women and children of these poor families who suffer most from health issues caused by indoor pollution by using fuels like coal, fire wood, crop waste etc. The aim of this paper is to study the impact of giving up of LPG subsidy on oil companies, on government and on general public. Top | |
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